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Roc vs Draco

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Roc vs Draco Empty Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:04 pm

I can't wait to go up against the sanin again this time I have some new moves up my sleve ill show him i got stronger. Gets ready for the fight by takeing out a kunai. "Hidden mist jutsu" that will hopefully give me cover for a little(hides behind nearest tree.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:15 pm

Rocore casually strolled into the arena, a familiar smile on his face. He sighed as he saw a familiar mist. "Well... Suppose it's round two." He drew his chained scythes before inhaling deeply and releasing an air bullet at the gathered mist and blow it away. "The same rules apply, mist ninja."

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:24 pm

Soo the rules ally eh well lets try this grabs two branches on the tree and stretches his arms out with his rubber transformation. And quickly sling shots him self into the sky. So u want to go this time I hit you for suru. As he was flying I. The air he takes out his blade and focuses chakra into the blade until it glow dark green. This teqnuique will cut threw the heavens with two swipes of the sword in an X formation two cresents shoot out at the sanin on the ground.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:31 pm

The Sannin looked up at the fast moving nin. A look of surprise on his, "Interesting... I wonder if you have every tendency of rubber..." A sigh escaped him. Rather than avoid the crescents he would over-power them. Taking a deep breath he fired several air bullets sky ward, to his surprise the first didn't stop the crescents but weakened them enough for the second, third, and fourth to fly through. He wondered if the chunin would be able to dodge in mid-air something even he would have a little trouble with.

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:10 pm

Looking at the air bullets in surprise and in fear he calmed himself to think of a way to dodge this air attack. In the corner of his eye he saw a nuther tree. "Perfect " with his rubber arms quickly forced his arm to reach the tree in time to rubber band him out of the bullets way but onto the ground with a thud. That was to close I could have been seriously injured. Well here we go with a a tiger stance he focused chakra into his palms and quickly launched a tiger palm at his opponent with his rubber arms.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:34 pm

Using the Body Flicker technique, Rocore moved to the right and caught the rubberman's left arm with ease. "A nice idea, fairly quick too. But you'll never be at the speed of a lightning ninja." He stated simply, he struck at the out-stretched limb with one of his scythes imbued with wind chakra for cutting power.

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Age : 31

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:00 pm

The arm came off with one slice. With a look horror he saw his arm in the hand of his opponent. You cut off my arm u jerk! With a furry of anger he draws his sword once again and with even more angrywr chakra then the last launches a yakkodori with one arm the chakra glows a verry neon green as it cuts the wind head straght for the sanin.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:17 pm

Rocore smiled lightly and nodded knowingly, "Ion Storm Jutsu!" The green glowing cuts met his electrified storm cloud and caused a large explosion of lightning. Still, it hit neither of them. "Lightning Hurricane!" Came his shout, a tornado formed around him, infused with lightning with him at the center. It was charging straight for the young ninja whilst clouds formed overhead!

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:28 pm

Come on the.!!!!! He shouted while raising his good arm. He quickly gos to the tree and raps his sword and arm around the tree streching himself very far and rubber banding him self at the middle of the hurricane. Mega rubber head butt putting his sword away and makeing a very high speed bullet for the sanins in the middle aiming for the stumach.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:45 pm

He noticed the man's intent and prepared by increasing the wind speed and moving slightly, the man was in motion and being rubber would be pulled into the tornado and likely stretched and torn by the winds. "Rubber versus wind, the natural powers of this word have shaped it for eternity. Rubber is man made and will not stand for long."

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:13 pm

So you think ill tear apart km no ordinarh rubber man as he flys into the torando missing his oiganel target takes his blade out sence is my first atempt doing this i better make it count. Thinking he could disperse the now rageing tornado. YOKKADRI full moon beam!!! Thee blade of his sword starts to glow a hot white as the momentum and chakra into sword he flys around leting his blade unleash a masive full circle yokaddori or sword beam cutting the tornado in half. As he falls the white of his pupils fall back into his head as he has been knocked unconsiuse from over exertion. His finel word were leave my arm at my side.
Hyper Extra
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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Rocore Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:07 am

The sannin was rather surprised at the outburst, using the wind to elevate himself above the blast, allowing the tornado to dissipate. His eyes looked upon the exhausted nin and he nodded slowly, "Nice job today, the tricks were good. Give it time and you'll be giving me plenty of trouble."He took the hand from it's place on the grand and set it beside the mist ninja. "Good luck."

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Roc vs Draco Empty Re: Roc vs Draco

Post by Hyper Extra Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:15 am

A few hours after the battle was lost the young ninja awakes. Now weres my arm aw there it is. Out of a pouch he had on his belt he poured rubber tree sap on his arm and his nub and with chakra fused the arm back into place. Eww ill never get used to that i hope i never have to lose a limb again that sucked. Stands up but cant very well. Takes his sword out and slowly limps on his sword cane and moves out of the arena for a nap and some bisicuts.
Hyper Extra
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